Last week I had to phone screen over 30 applicants for our open positions. I called using my cell phone in a different room so I could hear the conversation. I left voicemails for 80% of the people I called and left them my desk phone to call back. By the end of the week it was a complete disaster because my desk phones voicemail was not set up and all calls were forwarded to the front desk. Safe to say that setting up my voicemail on the seventh week of my internship became my number one priority. Luckily my favorite HR employee had my back and contacted the applicants.
A portion of your Real Estate Property Management coursework includes Cooperative Education. These intern positions apply your classroom knowledge in a professional work setting, where you’ll gain confidence in your skills and abilities.
You’ll build a stronger resume with the work experience employers need and may have a position in place before graduating. Many students receive a job offer from their Co-op employer for a full-time position following graduation.
These paid internships provide hands-on, real world experience in Multifamily and Commercial real estate, as well as earn degree credit. Opportunities are available in great locations such as:
- Washington
- Texas
- Arizona
- Tennessee
- Colorado
- Illinois
- Alaska
- Minnesota
- Michigan
Cooperative Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stout is part of a nationwide university program that integrates career-related work experience with academic course work.