We had the power go out at Asbury Park. A bird or animal had hit the line according to Puget Sound Energy. There was over 2000 people out of electricity. Even the traffic lights were not working when I was driving in. We were told we wouldn’t have electricity til 1pm and we arrive to work at 9am. We however had to stay because we had a move in and it was a Saturday so tours come often. Another reason we had to stay was in case residents came in asking about the power. We ended up getting power at 11am. That was nice because we were able to catch up easier since we had more time than expected. Once I caught up on all the morning calls and emails, things finally started to slow a bit and it went back to a normal Saturday.
A portion of your Real Estate Property Management coursework includes Cooperative Education. These intern positions apply your classroom knowledge in a professional work setting, where you’ll gain confidence in your skills and abilities.
You’ll build a stronger resume with the work experience employers need and may have a position in place before graduating. Many students receive a job offer from their Co-op employer for a full-time position following graduation.
These paid internships provide hands-on, real world experience in Multifamily and Commercial real estate, as well as earn degree credit. Opportunities are available in great locations such as:
- Washington
- Texas
- Arizona
- Tennessee
- Colorado
- Illinois
- Alaska
- Minnesota
- Michigan
Cooperative Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stout is part of a nationwide university program that integrates career-related work experience with academic course work.