Yesterday I had a resident very frustrated with me when I told them that the maintenance team would not be able to attend to her non-emergency maintenance request until Tuesday, as they had the Holiday off. Sometimes it is hard to remain polite with a resident when they do not think the apartment employees should have Holidays off. However, it is critical to remain professional and if the resident doesn’t agree with what you are saying sometimes you will be forced to be apologetic to the resident even if you don’t agree with them. In this instance I apologized for and said I understood the inconvenience of having to wait an additional day for her service request to be attended to even though I did not agree with her opinion of her clogged garbage disposal being more important than our maintenance staff getting to spend the Holiday with their friends and family.
A portion of your Real Estate Property Management coursework includes Cooperative Education. These intern positions apply your classroom knowledge in a professional work setting, where you’ll gain confidence in your skills and abilities.
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Cooperative Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stout is part of a nationwide university program that integrates career-related work experience with academic course work.