From the Field

Keep up with UW Stout coop education and internship experiences.

Helping Residents

As my internship goes on, I try to pay attention to the little things my community director does that may make a big difference. Residents notice these things and they will be much happier with their home when they feel comfortable with where they are living. The other day the […]

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Late is Late

Our residents have between the first and fifth of each month.  On the sixth their rent is late no matter what excuse they give. At the end of the day on the sixth we give out late notices with a letter stating they have three days to pay the full […]

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Week without community director

This week our community director took the week off for vacation so we’ve had to do our jobs and hers for the week. It was a hectic week with a lot of work, but we managed to all work together and get everything done that needed to be done. Having […]

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Replacing Water Heaters

I’ve had unfortunate luck with my own water heater in my apartment. I had to call the maintenance guy and together he taught me all about water heaters. It was very funny to replace my own water heater on the Sunday before 4th of July. My showers are finally hot […]

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CD Meeting

We had our monthly Community Director meeting that my CD was kind enough to invite me to. I had the opportunity  to learn about other properties and what they’re doing right to help better myself. We also went over what the expectations are and what we can do to help […]

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Ice Cream Social

We are hosting an ice cream social event to welcome new tenants and show appreciation to current tenants. We have invited a few vendors out that provide services for us to help negotiate prices with people as well as promote themselves. People are loving the opportunity to lower their cable […]

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Pool Rules

I learned today that even after posting numerous pieces of papers to residents door, explaining the rules while they broke them, and putting up an official pool rule board that it won’t stop the rules from being broken. At the end of the day, the residents are at “home” and […]

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Picking Up the Grounds

For the past couple of weeks, the office staff at my property has been going out in the morning with our maintenance supervisor and cleaning up the grounds. This includes picking up any trash that we see, even down to every cigarette that is on the ground, or tiny pieces […]

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Resident Event at 222 Hennepin

Yesterday our regional director, Tony, asked if I could help out at the resident event for 222 Hennepin in Minneapolis. 222 is having some issues with resident complaints because their rooftop pool has been under construction all summer. To help make up for this, they are hosting “happy hour” every […]

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New Rental Software

Discussing what new software to get at work. We might order a tablet and try a new approach at one of the properties at the end of the month.

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Maintenance Work

Had the opportunity to work with one of the maintenance techs at a property in Apple Valley. It was nice to get out of the office and patch some concrete and install some window blinds for an upcoming inspection.

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Maintenance Crew

Yesterday, I got to spend the day out on one of our properties in Minnesota to help with maintenance of the property. I spent most of the day outside working on landscaping, but I also got to help with some work orders in apartments. Mostly basic stuff, but it was […]

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Preparing units

Weidner calls this setting up mini models. With all the turns we just had because it was the end of the month and we had quite a few people leaving. After all the painting and maintenance done we then have to go through and wipe down some finishing touches and […]

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The beginning of the month is always interesting and dealing with late payments and angry tenants. Late fees are not fun for either side of this spectrum because paying them is no fun and trying to contact people to pay is not a lot of fun either. Calling these tenants […]

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